Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Marketing Mix

"At one extreme are global companies that use standardized global marketing, using largely the same marketing strategy approaches and marketing mix worldwide."

"At the other extreme is adapted global marketing. In this case, the producer adjusts the marketing strategy and mix elements to each target market, bearing more costs but hoping for a larger market share and return." (Chapter 15)
Gold Button shares shelf space with various other premium vodkas from all over the globe. Understanding the convenience of vodka being available at will and its originated history in other countries, Gold Button, Citrus Limetta Vodka still stands as an individual leader in the market through its standardized global marketing approach. To maintain the brands image Gold Button is set at a standardized price list via web. Priced at suggested retail of 80.00 USD for a 1.7 liter bottle, the price may fluctuate by 15.00 USD at a lower or higher price based on location of distribution, taxes, and shipping.

trying to serve any and all customers can mean serving none of them well. Instead, companies need to make certain that they are serving the right customers, and serving them in the right way. They need to decide who their best potential customers are—and who they aren’t.” (Chapter 6)

Gold Button is a commentator to its patrons. The brand eludes a specific lifestyle. The price reflects the cost of the vodka which mirrors the quality and unequivocal taste experienced in every sip. Being that Gold Button is found in upscale venues, small cafes and markets, or small shops, it is assumed to be a brand of high society. The brand toasts to its patrons, new beginnings and invites to celebrate wins.

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